Advance Computer Architecture

by Easy Engineering


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Simple & easy free notes for learn to advance computer architecture.It almost cover all important topics which are given belowUnit-I
 Flynn’s Classification  System Attributes to Performance  Parallel computer models - Multiprocessors and multicomputers  SIMD Computers  Data and resource dependences  Hardware and software parallelism  Static and Dynamic validation  Crossbar Switch Multiport Memory  Multistage and Combining Networks
Unit- II
 Instruction set architecture  CISC Scalar Processors  RISC Scalar Processors  VLIW architecture  memory interleaving  pipelined memory access  Bandwidth and Fault Tolerance  Addressing and timing protocols Arbitration transaction and interruptUnit-III
 Linear pipeline processor  Nonlinear pipeline processor  Instruction pipeline design  pipeline hazards  Dynamic instruction scheduling  boarding and Tomosulo’s algorithm  Branch handling techniques  Arithmetic Pipeline Design Superscaler pipeline design
 Cache coherence  Snoopy protocols  Directory based protocols  Message routing schemes in multicomputer network  deadlock and virtual channel  Vector Processing Principles  Vector supercomputer architecture